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Bullying Angelfish

23 11:59:13

My problem first began when my 2 angelfish (the last 2 of 4) reached
maturity. They have laid eggs unsuccessfully many times but I am assuming
they are both female since they never get fertilized. The bullying between
them became most obvious while they were "protecting" there eggs from each
other. After this happened several times I have notice the submissive angel
hiding under whatever she can with the bully biting here whenever he can get
close. After coming home from a 4 day vacation (I had someone stay and take
care of the fish) the bullies fish has some sort of growth/fungus/disease on
it's eye. It's swollen at the base and looks like a bubble but when you look
from the side it has another protrusion. The wound's profile is that of a
nipple on a baby's bottle...does that make sense? Ok now for the worst
part...the mean angelfish  keeps biting at it! Almost like he's eating the other
one's eye. I am really sorry to be so descriptive, I am starting to gross myself
out! I am concerned because I keep my tank in great condition and my fish
are well fed and I don't understand why my fish randomly get the grossest
diseases ever! (My last death occurred when a platy got dropsy and before
that I had a severely handicapped fish that, over time, it's spine started to
grow out of it's body!)

Hi Jenny,
  It is very normal (though unfortunate) that fish like angelfish will fight and bully each other.  The best thing you can do to reduce this is to ensure that the tank has a lot of structure (wood, plants, rock, etc) to help break up the space and to provide hiding spots for the weaker fish.   It is also unfortunate that once a fish is "down", other fish have a strong tendency to take advantage of that and keep pestering the wounded fish.  If possible, can you separate the wounded fish to another temporary tank to heal?

-- Ron
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