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Percostomas in tank with gold fish

23 15:06:37

This is about a 10 gallon fish tank.

I have a gold fish and every time I put a percostomas/ algy eater fish in the same tank the percostomas dies in a short period of time.

Is the gold fish the reason for the deaths.

tank setup

10 gallon tank 1 1/2 years I had the same tank
1 gold fish
Factory filter
ammonia test strip comes out to .25 safe zone.

Please tell me what I can do about getting a algy eater type fish in the same tank if possible.  

Hi Joseph;

How big is the goldfish?
How often do you make water changes and vacuum the gravel?
Does the tank have a filter?
Does it have a heater?
What kinds of algae eaters have you tried so far?
How big were they?

Let me know as soon as you can.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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