Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > I think I have eggs...but I dont know how!

I think I have eggs...but I dont know how!

23 14:47:56

I have a 10 gallon tank.  I have a pleco, a platy and unfortunately my favorite, my tetra die yesterday.  No one could tell me what was wrong with him.  Regardless, on the bottom  (and some floating on top) are these small egg-like objects.  

There are at least 50 of them.  Stuck to the sunken ship, plants and the gravel.  They are round in shape and about the size of a pea.  There is a fuzzy white outside, clear and in the very middle it a brownish-red something.

I read that platys dont lie eggs, my tetra was very skinny and I dont know about the pleco.  

Please any info you can give me would be wonderful.

Thank you,

Hi Christina;

It's just excess food that is being consumed by an organism known as "Saprolegnia". The colored part inside is from the color of your fish food. If they were eggs from fish that are decaying, they would be all white. Vacuum it out, along with any other excess food or waste and feed less food to your fish. It can attack fish and make them sick too if allowed to stay there. Here is a web page about it with photos;

I hope your fish are okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins