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my fishy

23 15:09:31

I had bought a male betta not to long ago and I keep him in a bowl that can hold about half a gallon of water. I was wondering if there were any fish that I could put in the bowl with him that wouldn't get killed or kill my betta.Also I dont want to put a group of fish there w/ him, just 1 fish alone with him. Are there any fish compatible with him?( My fishy doesnt have a filter and  dont know the water chemistry)

Hi Natalie;

The bowl can only support the betta. You would need a tank of 3 gallons or more with a filter to have other fish with him. Bettas can be in community tanks of larger sizes too. You just have to avoid gouramies and paradise fish because they are too closely related to bettas, and also avoid fin nippers like barbs, larger tetras and loaches.

Zebra danios, cory cats and platies are just a few possibilities in a tank with a betta. It depends on the size of the tank how many and what you can have with him.

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Chris Robbins

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