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Betta in Aquarium.

23 14:50:04

I put my male betta in an aquarium with other fish. And since I've put him in there, he hides and barely comes up for air. Is that because there is enough oxygen in the water or something else?
And if you are wondering what fish are in the tank well, there are : 2 pearl gouramis, 2 gold gouramis, 2 black tetras, 3 swordtails, and a goldfish =)

And another question,  behind my aquarium, there is a mirror and the betta doesn't do anything even thought he sees himself. Is that normal?

Hi Kimberly,
  It will take him awhile before he finds his place among he fish already in the tank.  In the meantime, he is being cautious and that is why he is hiding and perhaps also why
he isnn't interested in attacking anything, even his own reflection.

-- Ron
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