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Getting Started with a 110gal tank

23 11:12:57

Hi, my name is Andrew.  I'm getting ready to set up my 110 gallon fish tank.  I would like to know how many aggressive tropical fish I can start off with in my tank?  A worker at a store that specializes in just fish, aquariums and supplies told me to start off with 5 and add fish every two weeks.  Is this correct or can you tell me what is the best amount I should start with.  Thank you, Andrew.

thats a good sized tank to start with.
As for your stocking, how many fish and when you can add the depends 100% on what type. Do you have any specific ones in mind?

Also, is there any reason why you want aggressive fish? Those can complicate things greatly, and that tank is actually quite small for most of the famous "aggressive" fish.