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dyno fish

23 11:06:09

i thinks its called a "dinosaur fish"
i thinks its called a  
QUESTION: i just got the fish today and was wondering if it was safe to keep it in  vase with water, and what to feed it?

ANSWER: Your Bichirs also known as a Dinosaur fish can get quite large. It is very important that we research our fish before we buy them so that we know all that it will need. NO you cannot keep him in a vase. No fish can be kept that way. He needs to be in a very large aquarium with filters and a heater. If you cannot give him the proper home, I would suggest taking him back to the pet store and getting a different fish.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well how big does the tank have to be because im brining it to school for my teacher today which has a filter and im pretty sure its got a heater.. thanks for the last reply made me understand more.

He can grow over 12" long and needs a lot of floor space so to speak. The smallest size tank for him alone is a 50 gallon long, not tall where a 65 to 120 gallon tank is even better. He needs to come to the surface to breathe so the tank should not be filled to capacity. They are also great escape artist so you need to have a secure lid on the tank.