Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Hi Chris,I have a few...

Hi Chris,I have a few...

23 15:04:39

Hi Chris,

I have a few neon tetras in my bowl. One is constantly at the surface gasping for air all the time, the others are too busy chasing each other around by poking each other in the rear (ha ha). Is that one fish going to die from hypoxia? He's desperately gulping. The others come up for air occasionally after feeding but this one never leaves the top. Poor little fishy :(


Hi Ana;

If I could get a bit more information from you hopefully we can figure it out. In the meantime, replace 25% of the water and use a water conditioner. That may help him feel better temporarily until whatver the problem is can be resolved.

What size tank is it?
How long has it been set up?
How many fish?
How big are the fish?
What kind of filter?
Does it have a heater?
How often do you clean the tank?

Let me know as soon as you can....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins