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My Red Zebra Is Beat Up

23 11:29:23

Hi there I have an African Cichlid tank and my red zebra female has been beat up pretty bad.  Last night they began there breeding rituals and by morning she was pretty hurt.  I have moved her to a 10 gallon tank by her self but I don't know if there is any thing elce I can do for her.  Help.

Hi Gena,
When keeping African Cichlids you must change the decor when you see that they are getting too comfortable with their territory.  Move the rocks, and pots around so that they must make a new territory.  They are very aggressive fish, and should be kept 3 females to one male.  Your little female must be badly hurt.  Tetracycline would help her.  Make sure your 10 gallon tank is cycled, and that you have no ammonia, or nitrites in your water.
I hope she pulls through.