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Dwarf gouramis and cherry barbs?

23 11:29:23

I have an empty 10 gallon tank (I had 3 baby platies in it but I sold them to a breeder) and I was thinking of getting a dwarf gourami. Probably a male since I can't find females anywhere.

I was just wondering if I could keep a school of cherry barbs in the tank as well? I would just get 2 of them but I know they do better in a school..

I'm afraid the gourami will be lonely.

If that doesn't work, is there anything else I can put in the tank with the gourami so he won't be lonely ?

I'd get a male and a female but i don't want them to breed constantly.

Hi Kylie,
  In general, fish do not get "lonely".  I strongly suspect that barbs might pick on a gourami.  
Personally, I would put a male and a female in there.  Breeding gouramis is not trivial so I wouldn't worry about them breeding too often.  

-- Ron C.
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