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Hows this for stocking?

23 11:25:55

QUESTION: So I have a 55 gallon tank that is currently cycling.It has a peguin 350 filter (75 gallons), one Marineland 75 gallon heater (I may need a second, at full power I'm only getting 80 degrees), A small air pump that I intend to upgrade soon. A standard light fixture that will soon recieve a plant bulb (would upgrading to a T5 be necessary for a planted tank?). I've considered the idea of adding a moonlight setup that will run for an hour before the lights switch off and an hour after, then vice versa in the morning. Does the moonlight really make a difference to the fish?   

Anyways, getting off track, all of that will be going in this tank that will soon be recieving a healthy amount of plants, although not enough to need CO2. I want to keep it low tech.

So I was considering stocking it as follows (in order of introduction to the tank):
1 Sailfin Pleco (already own and is outgrowing his 20 gallon)
12-15 Tiger barbs
2 Firemouth Cichlids (a mated pair that I will weed out of 6 or 8 juvies)   

Is this a good mix? I know the firemouths will probably do some damage to the plants but have heard that they're plant friendly as far as cichlids go. I've also read that they should refrain from seeing dither fish as snacks if they are around them when they're juvenile, I'm going to risk it. Would a handful of Cory cats be pushing the bioload?   

I guess, just give me your opinion on this matter. How successful do you think I'll be? What might you change?

ANSWER: Hi Matthew,
  In terms of number of fishes, that seems okay.  Personally I do not mix Asian fish (barbs) with Central American fishes (firemouth cichlids), but that is up to you.  
  80oF is fine. You do not need it any warmer than that.

  Some form of light change is nice.  It is hard on fish when the lights go from full off to full on, particularly if the rest of the room is completely dark otherwise.  Whether you use moonlight or some other mechanism doesn't really matter. If the room gets natural light, then that will suffice.

 A group of cories would be nice in there.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I, too, don't necessarily like the idea of mixing regions. The only problem is that I've struggled to find suitable and affordable South American dither fish. I have to consider that the Firemouths may or may not see them as food as they age, Rainbow fish and Congo tetras aren't particularly cheap. Could you suggest any South American dither fish with similar characteristics to a barb? I particularly like their high level of activity and semi aggressiveness.

As for the cories, I had originally planned to have six or eight of them in there as well but was informed that they may eat my Firemouths' eggs, is this a major concern?  

Hi Matthew,
  I wouldn't worry about the cories eating firemouth eggs.  It could happen, but it seems highly unlikely to me.

  You might consider black-skirt tetras or some of the other larger, more robust tetras.

-- Ron C.
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