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Something is wrong with Alex (Betta)

23 14:38:14

I have one other question I noticed about Alex the Betta it seems he has little white dots on his face and body is there anything I could do to clear this condition?? :(
Appricate the advice - thank you
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My son has had his Betta "Alex" for about a month we recently came home and Alex was buried under the rocks on the bottom of the tank the fish will come up to eat but returns to the bottom of the tank - Is there anything I could do? Appreciate your advice my son i really upset and cares about Alex
Hello Gesemia -

Sorry for the long wait - I am still recovering from a root canal I had done a few days ago!

Anyways, the reason bettas usually bury themselves is because they're terrified. Perhaps while you were out, something fell over, or a car backfired, or a dog barked suddenly? Bettas are very sensitive to loud sounds, and if something catches them off-guard, them can be traumatized for quite some time.

My oldest betta, Pretty, did the same thing about a year ago: someone tapped quite hard on his tank, and he buried himself in the rocks at the bottom of the tank. He wouldn't come out for hours, and even today, he is scared of people poking their fingers at the glass.

To help Alex recover, you could try wrapping the sides of his tank with a dark towel to block out light and sound for about 24 hours. This will help to destress him, as will adding some aquarium salt and Melafix to the water. Warming the temperature to about 80 F may also help him relax.

Unless the reason behind his behavior is chemically associated (you can take a water sample to PETsMART to be sure) he's probably just stressed and should recover with time.

Hope Alex starts feeling better soon!
-Amber Worman

Hello again Gesemia -

These tiny white specks may be a disease called Ich.
Thankfully, it's very easy to treat.
Dosing the tank with a medicine called QuickCure will clear up the infection in a week or less. You can purchase this medicine almost everywhere that fish are sold - Beware! It turns the water blue.

Hope this is helpful,
Amber Worman