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Can you help?

23 14:50:12


I have never had much success raising african ciclids and breeding them, forget it.  Each time I get them, they just die.  I get food specially for them, I keep my tank PH a bit higer, about 7.2 to 8 and well I try to find out as much as I can and I am successful with other fish, but these, nope.  I have one that is already starting to show signs I have seen before.  Most times he is ok, but as of late the fish goes to the top corner and hangs there at a list of about 30 degrees. He also curves himself in the shape of a 1/4 moon and hangs in that shape at the angle too. Soon, I fear he will die and after 10 tries I am almost ready to give up. Can you help me?  I would also love to see other questions you have addressed, if at all possible to try and broaden my knowledge on these fish.  I like them a great deal, but I fear I am Fredie Kruger for them.  I have two ciclids in a 55 gallon tank with three other very small fish. I have lots of hiding places and three good caves. I also have fake plants there. Thanks for the help.

Michael Tagesen  

Hi Michael,
  Don't give up!   I assume that you are buying your fish from a good petstore and not from Walmart or a place like that?

  Are you doing regular weekly partial water changes?   You should be changing 20% of the water once a week, every week.  

  Have you tried Central American cichlids, such as the convict cichlid?  If not, give those a try.  

-- Ron
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