Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Golden gouramis aggression towards all other fish

Golden gouramis aggression towards all other fish

23 14:50:12

I bought a Golden Gourami about a month ago, and I recently set up a 10 Gal tank and put him in. then I bought a swordtail as my second addition and the gourami attacked it and it died, then i got a cory and if the gourami so much as saw the thing swim it would chase it till it couldn't see it any more. Now I got a blue male gourami and the second day i had it I lookeed and its fins were torn and ripped and I don't think its going to make through

hi daniel

when you buying a fish at the pet store, ask the staff if it aggresive fish. Don't buy aggresive fish, they may bully other fish. Your golden gourami is too aggresive. In that case what i would do is, put him in a diffent tank or return him to the pet store.

hope i helped