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betta fish discoloration

23 11:10:05

QUESTION: I had bought a male betta splenden from a local fish store 1 month back. I have currently housed him in a 10 gallon tank equipped with a sponge filter, water heater and proper lighting. He lives alone in the tank. I feed him freeze-dried blood worms once a day. His tank is cycling now. I change around 25-30% water twice a week. I use fresh tap water and dechlorinate it before adding it to the tank.
I shifted my apartment about 5-6 days back. Since then i'm constantly noticing his vibrant red color has become very pale. He mostly sits at the bottom of the tank since then, doesn't eat and is very lethargic.
What could possibly be the reason? I'm very worried.

ANSWER: Alina,

First off, if your tank is still cycling there should not be a fish in there. Also, it is not good for the fish if you only feed him freeze dried blood worms. He needs pellets, brine shrimp, and flakes as well. You are changing way too much water. You only change 25% every week not twice a week. You are not giving the tank the time needed to set up. It is very important that we research out fish before we get them so that we know what they need at all times. Stop feeding him the blood worms every day and feed him other stuff. Make sure his heater is set at 82 degrees at all times. After you stop with all the water changes, feed him the proper food and have his water at 82 degrees and he does not get better or gets worse at any time, let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So,what you are suggesting is a fishless cycling? But now I already have the fish with me, and he looks really sick and dull. Could this be ammonia or nitrite poisoning? And does feeding a fish the same food everyday affect him this badly? He was perfectly happy before I had shifted my apartment. Could this be due to a change in the water quality or a change in the surroundings?


 It is always better to do a fishless cycle but since he is already in the tank we have to go from there. It is most likely from the water. In the first week of the cycle, there is the first of 2 bacteria blooms. The first is the bad bacteria. In the second week the bloom is the good bacteria. I would test the water. If you do not have a testing kit take some water to the pet store. Make sure they are using a liquid testing kit and not the strips. Feed the fish food that is not good for them everyday is not good for him. Freeze dried blood worms are a good treat but not a staple. There is an awesome Betta food but you can only get it online. It is Atisons Betta food. That is what i feed mine all the time with other things as treats. Also if you can find a product from Tetra called Black Water Extract. That is what I use and my Betta's are very happy and healthy. it is a water conditioner that makes the water like they would have in the wild. I think there are a few things going on with him. The biggest is the water and the food. I think when everything is changed he will start to do better.