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betta fish with swollen throat

23 11:30:04

QUESTION: My betta fish has a swollen throat. I was away for the weekend and had my friend feed it, but she fed it what it usually eats- 4 pieces off pellet food every morning. He does not appear to be showing any other symptoms, but his throat looks like an egg. He is only six months old, lives in a half gallon tank at room temperature. What does this mean?

ANSWER: do you have a picture?
does it look like this?

I would start by adding some Epsom salt to his water.  Mix up a SMALL amount of water with your dechlorinator and 1/2teaspoon of Epsom salt.  Do partial water changes every couple days with this water.  Feed sparingly for a few days, maybe an adult brine shrimp or so a day. Feed some brine shrimp for a few days, they are not very nutritious, but good for cleaning out the pipes.  You can offer some bits of thawed peas if he will take them.  Some frozen bloodworms will be good when you are done with the brine, the other Bettas will appreciate them too, basically you want to avoid dry food for a while.  Let us know how it goes

the tank he is in is too small..he should be in a 5 gallon atleast..2.5 gallon if your pushing it, with a filter and heater, but your choice..
also if you have had him 6 months he is a year old, the usually dont get sold until there atlest 6 months but they are sold catiouse..they dont live long.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That picture is exactly what it looks like. So, I should mix the salt and dechlorinator in a small amount of water and add it to his tank?  Is this is a serious disease or just indigestion?

basically he is just bloated :)..
it could be something more..but yes mix the salt and dechlorinator but not too much of each..

also people say starve for 24 hours (he should be fine) then feed tinned eas without the shells on then starve for another 24 hours and it clears them out..or instead of pea's the rine shrimp ect ..

good luck! x