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albino oscar again

23 14:48:24

Hi, Ron.

  This is a follow up question to my previous question.

-just an update- monos died, i assume from ick even after i treated them, and i have given away the large tiger oscar, i bought a shark-not bala or rainbow, the other one (looks like catfish) and still have my albino pleco.

and my albino oscar has gotten worse, all his fins and half his body (the stripes) have turned black. i have been doing water changes regularly and have seen no improvement. His behavior hasnt changed much, still swims normal and eats regular. but he just seems tired...?

i dont think its stress because my firemouth and oscar and shark get along fine. no signs of damage to any fins or body on any of the fish?

please help,
thank you     -david

Hi David,
 That is puzzling.  (BTW, I wouldn't buy or add any more fish to the tank until you resolve this problem).

 When you say turned black, do you mean BLACK or gray?  
Many fishes turn gray when they aren't feeling particularly
happy.  If a distinct portion of the body (e.g., the back left side) turns black that usually is the result of nerve damage.

-- Ron
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