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Flowerhorn sick

23 11:05:50

Hello Ron, my flowerhorn is 2years old but she has no hump on her head nor a good red colour. I feed her with frozen food (shrimp) and flowerhorn fish food. Recently she lost all that pink colour she had and her black scales are all totally gone. She looks pale and not in her usual energy. I am worried and clueless. I changed the water too but there is no sign of improvement (I usually change the water once in 15days). kindly advice

Padma,     I am sorry we took so long to get back to you. I hope your baby is ok. This as I am sure you know are a totally man made species and are not the hardiest of fish she needs to be up in the 80 to 85 degrees and at a high ph 7.6 to 8.0. after you get it there with simple baking soda same thing as the chemical you buy at the pet shop. The nuchal hump is different for every species.  

         What I would do is go get tetracycline she sounds like she has a bacterial infection. So medicate. Do not forget to take the charcoal out of the filter. After do a 50% water change and get that heat and ph up. Now as far as feeding frozen peas are like a natural antibiotic for them, Give her a few a couple times a week. It may take her abit to get used to them but she will and love them. You might have to remove the shells from the top of the water. I hope this gets to you in time. Good Luck, Tina