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bloated goldfish

23 14:50:30

Dear James,

I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 black moors (one large and one small), and one red cap oranda. I've had my larger black moor(dan dan) for 4 months now, and he has been perfectly fine. I noticed today though that one side of his belly looks a little bloated, and he is slighty swimming off balance. He is still eating, going to the bathroom and swimming, but I am worried that he might be getting sick or have swim bladder? I am very worried becuase I'm very attached to him, and I was just wondering if you have any advice. Thank you very much!



Hi DeAnna,

This sounds alot like SBD (swim bladder disorder).  See, sometimes fish get too much oxygen in their swim bladder which helps control their depth in the water.  When this happens, the fish starts floating upsidedown but is still alive.  To cure SBD, fast your fish for 3 days and then feed it boiled skinned mashed peas.  This should cure him.

I hope I helped,