Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > African Cichlids Gender Identification

African Cichlids Gender Identification

23 11:45:43

QUESTION: How to tell the differences?

ANSWER: Hi Joshua,
Sometimes it is very hard to tell if not impossible until they are adults or they spawn.  Most of them, the male as dummy eggs on his anal fin, and is more colouful than the females.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I will watch for spots on the males. Thanks!

At what point are they considered 'adults'?


You are very welcome.
It depends on the fish, as well as the tank they are in, and the food they are given.  The bigger the tank, the faster they grow.  When fish are well fed, given various food, and quality food, they grow faster.  It could be anywhere from 6 to 8 months, sometimes less, sometimes more.  Some Africans grow very big, and some are small, so it is hard to say.  What African fish do you have in mind?