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Mollies generally and specifically

23 11:20:27

Hello! I'm glad to see that not everyone who will answer molly questions is on vacation!
I've been keeping mollies for just over a week in a new aquarium. I've put in the cycle for good bacteria as well as the chemical remover, following directions to a T. I've been getting mixed opinions on what to do about water changes though - everything from 25% weekly to nothing for the first 6 weeks. I would really appreciate some advice on that :). That's the general part!
Specifically, I have three mollies in a 15 gallon tank, heated, filtered, furnitured (some fake plants and statues). My newest molly is an orange balloon molly with some white details. Some of his markings look a little irregular and I am concerned about ich. None of my other fish have symptoms and they all swim and eat normally. Is there any way to tell for sure?
Also, I think one of my females may be pregnant! She's getting quite round, so it must have happened before I bought her. I've read that adding extra hiding places is a helpful thing to do with pregnant mollies when there are males in the tank - I don't want to stress her out with a breeding net, and I don't have a spare aquarium to move my male into. Should I put in some more plants?
Thanks so much!

Hi Kelsey,
 You cannot do water changes too often.  You could change some water every day and that would be fine; however,only change about 25% at a time.  

 Ick looks like a dusting of icing sugar, i.e., very tiny white dots.

 I think putting in more plants is an excellent idea.  BTW, the cool thing about fishes like mollies is that they can store sperm, so she might have mated quite a while ago and can continue to use sperm from that mating for several batches of kids.  

-- Ron C.
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