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Red Cap Oranda Colour Changing

23 14:26:26

Aquarium Size: 30cm - Depth
              61cm - Length
              35cm - Height

Fish in Aquarium: Red Cap Oranda, Shubunkin, Pearlscale, Bubble-Eye Goldfish

Treatments Currently Being Used: Anti Fungus & Finrot, Tap Water Conditioner

Feeding: Peas, Tomatoes


I currently have four fish in my aquarium. I have noticed however, my red cap oranda has started to change colour, she is turning golden from the underside of her body and face and the gold colour seems to be spreading slowly upwards. In some areas, the colour is beginning to become darker. When I bought her 7 months ago her colour was silver. She has previously laid eggs. All my fish in the aquarium get along well, there is no aggressiveness from any of them.
Can you please shed some light as to why this is occuring and what I can do to prevent this, if preventing is required. Thank you.

Hello, I think i know just the answer to your problem. Some times gold fish have a tendency to change colour especially after giving birth, my red cap oranda has done the same thing, as long as she looks healthy and is eating well then she should be doing fine.