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23 11:57:54

30 gallons
1 year
i have 6 gold fish and 1 sucker fish the kind you can buy from any walmart
recently my sucker fish seems pregnant which is weird because i only have one and because fish have eggs right? anyway he is bloated and getting bigger by the day do you think he is sick and with what?

Hi Applejacks,

It's hard to say.  If bloating is the only ailment you can try simply holding off on foods for a few days to purge the system and see if this helps.  No other symptoms?  Lethargy?  Scales sticking up?  Bumps, lumps, spots?  Is it possible to attach a picture?

You have far more issues however than a bloated pleco.  Plecos should never be with goldfish as they will suck the slime coat off of them, leaving them open to disease like bacterial and parasitic infestations.  

You are also heavily and grossly overstocked in a 30 gallon tank.  A 30 gallon is really only sufficient to support 2 fancy goldfish (single tails need 100+ gallons with a pond being better) with double capacity filtration.  Anything less cannot support the enormous bioload that these goldfish create.  Have you tested for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates?

Good luck : ) April M.