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Betta fish- heater?

23 11:25:03


I have a two gallon tank with a red betta fish in it. I live in a college dorm and we do not always keep the heater on in our room.It is cold outside right now, and our room temp probably drops to the high sixties (68,69) if we don't have our heater on. Should I get a heater for my fish tank? I don't want him to be cold while I am out.

You must get a heater.  Bettas are tropical fish, and live in 80-82 degree water.  Under this temperature the betta is cold, and will get sick.  Fluctuating water is also very bad for fish.  When bringing up the temperature for a fish, you must do this very very slowly, as bringing up the temperature too quickly would be deadly.  Bring your temperature up ONE degree every TWO days until you reach 80 or 82 degrees.
I hope this helps.