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betta- muscle spasms?

23 11:25:02

I just brought home a new male betta. He's still in the small bowl he came in, while the water in his other bowl comes to the right temperature. I've noticed that several times he suddenly seems to have spasms. He swims really fast, then bangs into the wall, then drags himself across the bottom, and twitches. Is there something wrong with him, or does he just want more space?

HI KatieIt's
He must be miserable in a small bowl.  Bettas need space.  They should have a 5 gallon heated tank.  Keeping them in small bowls, tanks, and vases, will only lead to stress, and sickness.  In his habitat the betta may live in shallow water, but he has lots of room to swim.  Adjust your water using hot, and cold water from your tap until you reach the same temperature the poor thing is in.  Add a good water conditioner such as "Stress Coat" or "AquaPlus" to the water.  The betta is a tropical fish, and needs a heated tank.  Under this temperature the betta is cold.  His water should be 80-82 degrees.  When you bring home a betta, you fill your tank with the same temperature the betta came in, always using a good conditioner.  Buy a thermostat (heater) and heat his water slowly, very very slowly...ONE degree every TWO days.  Make sure you do this slowly as bringing up the temperature too quickly will be deadly.  