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betta sickness

23 11:18:09

my male betta live in a 2.5g tank with a filter and a heater set at 76*F. both of his eyes have a pale white layer of stuff covering them, it start for about three or four month after i buy him. (I have keep him for about five or six month.) on his eye there are some white stuff haging down. he can still see his food and my finger when i put it on the tank. Is that a betta sickness? I don't know if it is eye cloud or a different sickness? what should i do first? I have "Melafix", "Fungus Cure", "Kanamycin". I have alway put some salt in the water after each water change."

Hi Quan,
 He does not need the salt.  That kind of a thing typically indicates that there is something in the water that is irritating him.  Is there any chance that there is any soap in the water?  Never use any soap or any detergent anywhere near a fish tank. It is really toxic to fish.  Also, be sure that you are replacing 25% of his water once a week, every week.  I strongly refrain from putting any medications in a fish tank unless you know exactly what you are treating. Otherwise, the medications tend to create more problems than they solve. The eye problem could easily be CAUSED by putting those medications in the water.

-- Ron C.
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