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Breeding White Mountain Clouds

23 14:26:40

Hi Ron,
I have 4 White Mountain Clouds in a 90 Gallon hexagonal tank. (I did have other fish, but a bad case of bullying followed by white spot wiped them all out). I think I have 2 males and 2 females. 2 seem to have rather fat bellies, that looks like they have been over eating, which I believe are females, from reading other web pages. As my tank looks very barren, I would like to try and breed more fish. Do I have to do anything special to encourage the process, or will nature take it's course naturally??

Hi Andrew,
 I have never tried to breed minnows.  Most minnows are egg scatterers, meaning that there is no parental care. So, basically, just let them do their thing and keep an eye out for tiny fry.

-- Ron
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