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my fish is not eating

23 15:02:22

I own a betta fish and I fed it  this morning and he didn't eat his food, I'm wondering what's wrong with my fish?  

Hi Corina;

His water could be too cold. Be sure the water is always 75 or higher. Bettas are tropical and just require that. Change his water at least once a week. Don't forget to use a water condtioner and the new water must be the same temperature as the old water. This avoids shock and is the main cause of death in fish.

Look to be sure he isn't developing any fungus patches or unusual redness or swelling anywhere. Also be sure to remove the uneaten food. If he doesn't eat within five minutes after you feed him, take it out. If he isn't interested right then, he won't be at all. It fouls quickly so it's good to remove it right away so it isn't forgotten.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins