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I have a betta fish

23 15:02:22

this is my second question I finally know what type of fish I have, it is a betta fish. I would like to know if they need light and what type of things should I put in the fish bowl? thank you for your time.

Hi Corina;

Bettas need light for heat if the room temperature is below 75. Also for us to be able to see them.

For decorations, live or silk aquarium plants work the best as far as plants go. Plastic ones sometimes get caught on and tear the betta's fins. Depending on the size of his tank you could add a small aquarium-safe ceramic or plastic decoration. There are little castles, bridges, houses, etc. As long as you buy it in the fish store it will be fine. You just want him to still have room to swim around.  

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins