Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > um is this normal for a betta? (i have two questions)

um is this normal for a betta? (i have two questions)

23 11:55:12

(1)i have had a betta for about...since Nov. im not sure what age he is but i night i would watch him swim around the tank and one night he scared me half to death his gills stretched out like i forgot what type of lizard but its was weird and kinda freaked me out is this normal for a MALE betta?

(2) can you tell a bettas age? if so how?

Hi Elizabeth,
It is impossible for me to tell you the age of your Betta.  The only way to know the age of a fish is to buy them from a breeder.  When we buy them at the Pet Store, they are usually wild caught.
It is normal for your betta to strech out and look depends on their mood.  He might have seen his reflection.  When bettas see their reflection, they look like this.  Two bettas do not get along, and it stresses them to see another betta, but if he saw his reflection, or something scared him, then he will scuff up like