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Vertical Yellow Cichlid

23 12:02:30

I have 9 cichlids and one pleco in a 25 gallon tank with two bubblers.  I do a 1/2 tank water change and gravel vacuum every three to four weeks. We keep the tank about 78 degrees and feed them three times a day.  Twice with flakes and once with sinking pellets.  Two of our yellow cichlids have been swimming vertically (head up) in the trees for the past few days.  I haven't noticed either of them eating.  Are they pregnant or do they have either swim bladder or malawi bloat?  I appreciate any help you can provide.  Let me know if you need any more information.


Hello Beth
There are many reasons why a fish would swim this way. It could be swim bladder disease. This is not catching, and is of no danger to your other fish.  If you have African Cichlids, it could be an injury that caused this. Pregnant fish don't act this way.
You should check your water to see if you have ammonia or nitrates in it. If you do, this could be the cause.  Changing half the water once a month is not enough.  25% of the water should be changed every week with a good conditioner.  Check your PH.  If you have African Cichlids it should be at least 8.0
I wouldn't recommend 9 cichlids in a 25 gallon tank.  If you want to keep your fish healthy, and happy, you will either have to buy a bigger aquarium of at least 50 gallons depending on the cichlids, or cut down on the number you have in your 25 gallon. If you have African Cichilds, they need lots of rock formation, and upside down clay pots for decoration, and this takes up alot of room in the aquarium.  I'm sure your fish are lacking oxygen, because as I mentioned, this is too many fish for your tank.
Hope this helps