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Fish Caught in Aquarium Decoration

23 14:36:30

I have a swordtail that I've only had for a couple of weeks.  Her stomach is
awfuly big, and we're not sure if she's pregnant (there's a male swordtail in
the tank) or overeating (we're gonna cut back on the feeding).  She swam
through a part of a boat decoration that is the end of an air pump.  She was
stuck for just a few minutes before I carefully pushed her back out the way
she came.  She's okay now, but she does have a few red spots where the
plastic was pushing in on her, some near her gills.  I don't want them to get
infected.  What do you recommend?

Hey Amber

Swordtail? Good pick! what kind(s)?? Live bearers are one of my top favorites.

Anyway, to your areas of concern... Pregnant Vs. Fat. When she swims near the top, under the light, check her belly near the anal fin. If you notice a dark triangular shape above the anal fin that's not on the surface, but inside the skin, you have a mommy! That spot is called a Gravid Spot, and it's the development of fish eyes in her belly. When her belly looks like a square with a head and tail attached to it from the side, she's got a day or two before she has em! Be ready for upto 100 fry (baby fish) later that week.

As for her cuts, adding aquarium salt (if you don't have any in there) never hurts. Aloe Vera products like melafix (or pimafix i forget which one has aloe) will help. Tea Tree Oil is said to help too, but i don't use it. Sometimes a bit of an increase in temperature (to around 78*F) has healing effects as well as aids in rapid growth of fry! Once you've added salt, a little aloe, and raised the temperature.. just don't handle her. Don't net her, keep your hands out of the tank, keep the water super clean and in good quality, and also make sure cat liter, crayons, and other things that don't belong in the tank stay clear! (my kitten leaves liter for them.. she thinks they need some for their potty too, i guess.) Just good water alone will help in healing. Where as bad water will make things worse.

Hope all this helps out! and putting some rocks, a sponge, or some other blocker in that boat might not be such a bad idea either.

Best of luck!