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Chinese Algae Eater

23 14:20:45

I feel kinda stupid, but my son was trying to transfer our Mr. Chinese to the new tank and got his fore fins stuck in the fishnet.  Mr. Chinese really stressed out (I don't think it helped that my son put him in tap water).  I got him in some tank water and cut off the net around his fins.  He now has little green net circles on his fore fins.  Mr. Chinese is happy now and the little circles don't seem to bother him.  Should I take them off or would it be better to leave them on?  If I should take them off, how should I do it so I don't hurt him.  That is my biggest fear, is hurting the little guy.

Hi Dianne,
 You really should take them off.  First you should get a different net (one of the white or black ones that has a finer mesh) so he won't get stuck in it.  Then you should be able to get the net off using tweezers.  Whenever you handle a fish, be sure your hands are wet.  Dry hands pull the slime off of a fish and that slime is essential for their health.

 The key to the whole thing is to take your time and not panic.  Fish can actually be out of water for several minutes as long as they are wet.

-- Ron
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