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bump on my betta

23 14:20:46

I have had my betta for atleast 3 years. He has never had any medical problems. Today I noticed he didn't eat so I got a close look at him and it looks like he has a bump on the right side of his face a little under his mouth. I think his lips look weird too. I don't think he can really open his mouth to eat. Do you know what it might be? Thanks.

It could possibly be a tumor, some Betta's get them and the reason can be unknown. If he's having a hard time eating, you might want to try letting his pellets soften in water before giving them to him.

Also, since the cause of the tumor is unknown but could be from an internal infection I'd suggest going to the pet store and picking up some Maracyn and Maracyn-2 tablets. I can't say if theres any medications that will work against tumors, but Maracyn products are extremely good and I've had lots of luck with them.