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I have a fish and im not sure what it is

23 14:20:47

My boyfriend and I purchased a fish from the pet store around the corner from us..I don't know if you can help me but its worth a try, The lady said he was a cow fish and I looked up the cowfish and he definitely is not a cowfish, i called her back again and asked what he could be and then she said maybe he is a dragon fish and I looked that up and it is definitely not that either. He is very weird looking, He is long and have two fins close to him on the bottom two on the side and two back fins and two on top of him..All the fins have a different color strip tip of the fin..Its  like a line across the top of the fin the top one is purple and the bottom one is yellow and the back one is blue.. He has a slit for the opening of his mouth and he his body is gray and dark color. I was wondering if you could help me identify it since the lady i bought it from has no idea..I'm worried I wont be able to take care of it well if i don't know what it is and how to take care of it.If you could help me in any way thank you!

Hi Joelle,
 Hmm.... is there any chance that you could send me a photo of the fish?  If so, send it to my address below and I will try to identify it.

-- Ron
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