Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Is my fish sick??

Is my fish sick??

23 11:09:34

QUESTION: I woke up one morning to find that my fish had black stripes on it's face. I do not know if this means he is sick or not, what do I do??

ANSWER: Hi Angelyne,

First, check his water temperature.  Skin coloration changes are indicative to cold water.  If it's not a goldfish, it most likely requires 78 degree F water.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is a goldfish, and I also changed the water in the tank yesterday, should I buy some medication just in case?

ANSWER: When you changed the water, did you use a dechlorinator?  No medication necessary.  The coloration change is usually a water condition issue. :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My fish had the black markings on his face before I changed the water, I actually have a thing called "ready-water" which is preconditioned water, my friend said her fish had a black line on his underside, then he died. My other goldfish does not have the black markings. Could it be the plants?

Hi Angelyne, No, I don't think it's the plants.

It could be that you purchased an ill fish.  

Try this:  Add 2 teaspoons of salt per gallon of water, dissolved, to his aquarium.

If he's in 5 gallons, that's 10 teaspoons of salt.

Salt kills parasites, bacteria and fungus.  Can't lose with using salt. :)
