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Betta may be sick

23 13:59:17

I think I have an old fish. He is very big. His fins are getting string looking. Today and yesterday he was listless and his face looks blotchy and under it a little white. Though this is the first time I really looked so close under a BRIGHT  light.
I have him in a 1/2 gal container, change the water every couple of days and temp stays at 78.
I have cut down on the feedings and have not had enough time to pay attention to him this week. Can he be down in the dumps:) I just put him next to another male and he is perking up.

Hi Paula;

Bettas live to be about 2 to 2.5 years. Some can live up to 5 years but it's pretty rare. When you first buy them in the stores they are already almost a year old so if you gave had him for a year or so he is an old guy now. You are doing great with water changes and temperature. It's also good that he's perking up at the sight of another male. He may still have a lot of spunk left in him yet. Old fish slow down and can get sick easier than younger ones so just keep up with the water changes to help his immunity be as strong as possible. If the white areas get larger and his fins deteriorate he may need antibiotics to help him through.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins