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to introduce a new severum?

23 11:46:50

Hello, i was hoping you would be able to give me some advice, i currently have a fairly large golden severum in my community tank, it's a really beautifal fish and i really like the markings on severums and was hoping on getting another, and was thinking of getting a green severum. i've been to several fish shops locally that have good reputations. one said that if i was to introduce more than one, my golden severum should get on with them better or show little aggression. though the other shop i went to i was advised not to introduce one as my current severum would aparantly be too agressive towards it? i was looking at young severums. would larger ones be a better option? or not at all? Thank you

Hi James,
 Either way it is going to be a bit of a gamble.  A large severum can easily kill a fish it doesn't like, sometimes in just a few seconds.  The trouble is that you won't know unless you try it.  Whether you add one or two won't make much difference.  Adding larger ones MIGHT be better, but larger ones are also more likely to be males, which your severum will want to kill...   its a tough call...

  The most important thing is to have LOTS of hiding places for the new fish to take cover in.   

-- Ron
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