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Oscars with white eyes

23 14:06:56

I have noticed today that my three Oscars have this white film/bubble over one of their eyes (each of them). I am wondering what to do? I live in Juneau, Alaska and the fish expertise here is minimal. I have raised Oscars and Jack Dempseys in the past and have never seen anything like this. Can you help me find the answer to my problem. I care a lot about me Oscars and would absolutely hate to loose them. Help please!!!

Cloudy eyes are most often a result of a bacterial infection even if it in rare cases can be caused by fungus. Adding tetracycline, chloromycetin (chloramphenicol) or another antibiotic for cloud eye (usually says so on the medicine box) to the water can often (not always) help cure this problem. Start treatment as soon as possible to prevent the infection from causing serious injure or even blindness.

Usually this type of problems comes about from poor water quality. Oscars are EXTREMELY messy fish. You really need to clean their tank once a week, or at the MOST, every week and a half.  If you do not do this, you run the risk of the fish developing a myriad of problems that can potentially kill them.  And the bigger they get, the more important it is.

I want to suggest that you check out and join this forum: .  There are awesome people there who can answer your questions right away. The owner of the site has been in the fish business for 30+ years. It's a friendly forum too where you can display pictures, ask questions, answer questions, etc.  You may enjoy it.  Your questions would be answered there a LOT quicker then here too, and it's more reliable.

Good luck, I hope everything turns out ok.  I'm an oscar fan myself, I have a soft spot for them as I have owned quite a few over the years.