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invected eye

23 14:52:50

No there isn't. I bought a water plant at the pet store and put in my tank and before I got the roots buried he had rubbed his eye against it. While sitting stationary hewould be moving his front fin back and forth and it would cause the root to rub the eye. It then got very swollen and bulged out . That was about 3 weeks ago.The root has since been buried and his eye seemed to have gotten infected, after about 2 weeks it seemed to inprove and he formed a sac under the eye with what looked like white puss and the puss stated oozing out last week but the sac is still ther and full of what appears to be white puss and his eye has turned red and he seems to have lost site in it. Thank you so much for responding.  

Followup To

Question -
my oscar has somehow hurt his eye,very red bulging,and has a pocket of white stuff,kinda stringy,did manage to pull some of it off,eye is very glassy,is there anything I can do for him?,has started to affect how he swims

Answer -
Hi Crystal,
 Are there other fish in the tank, perhaps one that might have bitten him in the eye?

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

Hi Crystal,
 Really?  I have never heard of that before and I've heard of a lot of stuff.   I wonder if the plant root has some sort of irritant or toxin in it.  Sorry, but I have no idea what to do other than to give it time and hope that he can deal with it himself.  I don't see any value in adding a bunch of medicines to the water because those will likely only make things worse.  

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>