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Beta swimming sideways

23 14:53:17

I have a Beta fish that is swimming sideways and has now developed a lump.  I believe it's some sort of blockage, cyst, or tumor.  Is there anything that I can put in the water that might help a blockage.  If not, what do I do?  I know he's suffering, he doesn't eat.

Hello Kristina-

Poor little guy!
There are a few things you can try to help ease your little one's suffering. Firstly, raise his water temperature: 75-80 F is ideal. Secondly, don't offer him any of his regular food, but offer him defrosted peas, squeezed out of the shells; these will clear out his digestive tract and minimize any pressure on his swim bladder. Thirdly, you can add some Epsom (not table!) salt to his water, to relieve any swelling caused by fluid buildup. Keep up this treatment for a week, and make sure to give him fresh clean water every few days. If you see any signs of improvement, keep up with the regime.
However, if you see him getting worse and wish to euthanize him (only do this as a last resort; most illnesses can be treated) you can e-mail me at and I will try to help you through the process.
Hope he gets better soon! If this is a swim bladder problem, he'll hopefully pull through!
-Amber Worman