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My cichlids keep chasing my bumble bee cichlid

23 11:01:49

I have a 55 gallon fish tank with plenty of coral and plants and places to hide with 3 cichlids and 1 plecos. I recently bought a bumbble bee cichlid and since placing him in the tank the rest of them have began to chase him nonstop . The other cichlids are an electric blue male, a black and orange cichlid, and I'm not positive the species of the others because they were marked as assorted African cichlids . But non of them seem to pay any attention to the moray eel or plecos what should I do

Hi Jacob

With African Cichlids, it's best to place them all in the tank at once to minimize aggression. However, when you add Cichlids to an already established Cichlid tank, you can try rearranging the tank decorations. This will disrupt the territories the other fish have established and minimize aggression. Sometimes this works, sometimes not. Another technique is to add the new fish at night when the tank lights are off.

As for what to do in your current situation, I would first try rearranging the tank decorations. If this doesn't work, there really isn't much else you can do. The aggression toward new fish decreases over time, but there will always be some aggression in a Cichlid tank.

I doubt any of your Cichlids will ever bother the Pleco or the Eel.

Hope this helps, good luck!
