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my fish is dying, help!

23 15:10:29

i have 2 goldfish. they are in a 10 liter tank. i ve just realised the pump was not working and one of the fish is dying: floating on surface, struggling to swim, not eating but breathing. i have isolated it in a bowl, changed 1/3 of the tank water. what else can i do to bring him to life? thanks


First you should change 1/3 of the tank water and clean the tank well because the filter
hasn't been working. Definitely get a working filter right away. You did a good thing by
isolating the sick fish. Put him in a large bowl filled 1/3 with water from the tank and 2/3
with fresh room temperature bottled water. Buy some aquarium salt at Wal-mart or a pet
store and add the recommended amount to the tank and bowl also. Hopefully your fish
will get better in a few days and you can add him back to the tank, but quite often when
fish show these symptoms they don't recover. If you have any questions please ask! Best of Luck,