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funny question

23 14:28:17

Hey Bethany. It doesn't seem to be a serious situation but I am curious, is it
common for a male beta to move the rocks at the bottom of his tank around?
I think CheeZe (my fish) is very healthy. He makes bubble nests regularly, I
change his water about once a week, and I feed him dried bloodworms twice
a day. So I'm just curious if it is common for a fish to move the rocks around
or if it means anything.

Thanks so much!


One of my Betta Fish, Squiggles, dig ditches in his rocks. Funny story for you: one night, I was woken up by an odd sound and jumped out of bed scared to death that someone had broken into my house. I turned on the light and looked over @ his tank which sits on my nightstand and saw him shifting around rocks and making a little trench. I stared at him for a second before turning the light back out and falling back into bed.

So yes, some Betta Fish do this. I'm not sure why...but I'm hoping it isn't uncommon or a sign of something or both of us have something we should look into.

