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which types of fishes i can put with oscar?

23 11:14:23

which types of fishes i can put with oscar?
right now i have 3 oscars, 1 dollar, 1 mono angle, 1 convict,
1 acara,  1 shivrum, 1 sucker
my tank is near by 160 gallon


Your tank is VERY over populated, and here's why,

1. Oscars need at least 75 gallons each. You have 3 so they need a 225 gallons just for them.

2. Dollars need a minimum 20 gallons but should be more. So 20 gallons just for your Dollar fish.

3. You Mono Angel needs 35 gallons just for its self, not to mention salt water. So might want to rethink that one.

4. The Convict needs 20 gallon each. SO 20 gallons just for him.

5. The Acara needs 40 gallons each. So he needs 40 gallons just for him.

6. You have stumped my on the "shivrum". I have no idea what that is.

7. Your pleco ( sucker) needs 55gallon minimum per fish. So 55 gallons just for him.

So, in order to house the fish you have and keep them healthy you need a 400 gallon +. So, I am sorry but I cannot advise you to add any more fish into that tank.

When choosing tank mates, keep this in mind. They should be big enough so the Oscar will not see it as food. Some suitable tank mates are

Synodontis Catfish

Black Lancer Catfish

Clown Loach

Silver Dollars

Severum -

Jade Eyed Cichlid

Chocolate Cichlid


Banded Leporinus

Satanoperca jurupari, like being in groups,

Blue Acara

But please, do your fish a favor and before you add any more fish buy a tank the right size to house all the fish you already have in it. Your tank is way too small for the ones that are already in it. DO NOT add any more to it.