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Bala Shark Tank Size

23 15:02:28

Hi,i have 6 Bala sharks and was mis-informed about about tanks size. Im moving up to a 55 gallon tank for now. They are all under 3 inches.

I have heard that they grow slowly so do you think they will be fine for a few years until a very large tank can be brought in?

I live in an apartment so a great big tank is out of the question right now.

Hi Michael;

They will be okay for a year or so. It could be longer but maybe not. They will need a 100 gallon or more eventually because of their hyperactive nature and their strength. Just avoid getting too many other fish in there so they have as much room as possible.

I'm so sorry you were misinformed. It's all too common these days, especially in fish stores who hire unqualified help. Or, when it's a department store and the poor shoe department guy is catching your fish. They often don't have a choice. They are just doing what they are told and often pass on the wrong information thinking they are helping. Sad really. Especially for the fish.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins