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fish:swordies and snails

23 14:07:15

hi chris,
i just set up a 120 gallon tank.well i just started andi have 3 tiger barbs ,3 sharks, and2 swordies. about this i have 2 questions.
1.i found a small snail in my aquarium.he is so small i don't know whether to put in back where i found him or seperate till he has grown bigger.
2.i have a male and a female swordies.i am going to buy more, male seems happy and active but my female one ahs slown down. she keeps lying down in my plants and she looks like as if she has no life!.and she's preganant too. i dont want to lose her. help me.reply soon.
thanks, anush

Hi Anush;

The snail is probably fine in the tank. They have a hard shell and he will hide pretty well. There may be more of them anyway. If you have live plants they came in on those. It's pretty common. Just avoid overfeeding so they don't overpopulate the tank. They thrive on excess waste and food.  

You will need to get 2 or 3 more female swordtails for your male to "romance" with. The male can easily chase a single female enough that she becomes stressed and dies. With more females to chase around, the weaker ones can hide and rest from time to time.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins