Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > restless


23 11:09:41

My female dalmatian Molly is a little bit restless. She is swimming around the tank in an unusual manner. She is swimming up and down and all around. She is acting like it is the first time she has seen it or as if she is looking for something. The other female dalmatian Molly is not acting like this. So why is she acting weird? ( Her name is Tiffany and she is being weird )

Hi Manahil,

Tiffany could be going into labor.  Watch her closely.  Keep an eye on her.  Get the salt in right away.  

I notice before mine go into labor, they do that.  they flit around the edge of the glass, looking as if they want to go through it.  Watch her.  My bet is she's in labor.
