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black spot on my parrot fish

23 11:14:48

Recently(2 weeks back) , i treated white spot(ich) disease afflicted to one of my parrot fish( used salt,1tsp per gallon). I have done weekly 15% water change 2wice, since then. Since 2 days I have noticed black spot on another yellow parrot fish. It has got just prominant today, but the fish is active and feeding well. I did 25-30% water change today to reduce salinity in water. Is there anything else I can do more? How significant is this with regards to fish morbidity &mortality?

thank you

Hi Mohan,
 There can be a number of causes for black spots on a fish. Some are caused by parasites, while most are just "bruises" caused by physical damage (i.e., biting by another fish, bashing into stuff, etc).  If it is the latter, they will go away in a few days.  

-- Ron C.
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