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goldfish digging a hole?

23 14:47:59

hello there!

I recently set up my 15-gallon tank again and bought three small fantail goldfish.  A black moor, a calico and a white/silver and orange.

They seem to be enjoying the tank... especially the black moor and calico.  The orange/white seems healthy and eats well when fed.  But he/she seems to have dug an indentation in the tank gravel and spends most of the time "resting" in this low spot.  

Is this normal or should I be concerned? Thanks much for your help!

Hello Graeme-

It's normal for Moors and Fantails to "dig" in the gravel. They're curious, and they like to make nests. This is perfectly normal, but watch your little one to be sure he's not scratched from the stones.

Hope this is useful-
Amber Worman